Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Biometric security systems - How do

Biometric security systems - How do

Security System

Biometric security systems use the physical properties to allow or deny access to users. Some examples of properties that are used, the iris, fingerprints, voice or even smell. Since these properties are unique to each individual, it is very difficult for those who do not have the right to log on again. For this reason, biometric access control has become increasingly popular in companies that contain highly sensitive financial information orGoods.

The identification is performed by comparing the physical properties in one of two ways. The first assumes that the user can enter an identification number or PIN code. Once the code is entered, the system then compares the biometric data in files by the number of pins. If a match occurs, the system allows access and also an imbalance leads to a rejection. The second possibility, that a biometric security system verifies the identity of a person to compare the physical propertiesthe person who has access to a range within the database. If the properties are located within this corridor, access is allowed. This type of system used to identify a true biometric verification, there is a PIN or other form of identification is used.

Registering in the system is the first time the user tries to access. The system uses this for the first time access to all information on the physical characteristics of the user to obtain. If further testsbe made to the system compares the first-access scanner is currently running. For example, if you are using iris scanning, iris scanning system of the eye and record the information in the database. Used depends on the biometric identification, a device will be available, where it is put your hand to read fingerprints or look in the device to scan the iris. Like fingerprints, the iris of the eye is unique for each person and isunlikely to change over time. This makes it a perfect way to establish the identification, if biometric access controls. Although the same vein is the unique identification is not so common and widespread as well. However, can provide the same level of uniqueness, like someone's iris or fingerprints.

Some biometric systems use behavioral characteristics, like the way you type as you talk, or how to spell. These behavioral characteristics are then stored in a database of information, are compared.Similar to register with the iris of the eye, the first access to the system, the computer how to perform certain behaviors, and then these features in the form of code in a database. This is an electronic whiteboard or audio recording device that performed the way you speak or write of analysis. In some cases, the identification of speaking or writing a word or phrase is particularly well founded. Since the word or phrase can be duplicated by recording aspeak, write, or on a sample of them, the sentence is changed so often that it is random. Since the person to talk to the press or a typographical error is specific and unique to that person, it offers a higher level of security and reduces the likelihood of unauthorized persons able to duplicate it.

A big advantage for biometric access control is that it makes no reference to worry about the loss of keys, access cards or exchange of PIN numbers. When using a biometric security system, your keyfor registration is always available. If an employee leaves the company or levels of security access must be reduced to a simple change in the system without removing the problem or need a card or key access will be returned.

Not too long ago that this type of technology are considered fodder for the futuristic spy movie. But as the threat of terrorism, espionage and other serious crimes has become a major concern of many companies and government agencies are recruiting the use ofbiometric security systems, for enhanced security, in the interest of public safety. As criminals become more sophisticated, security systems must maintain this level of security and maintain security.

With the advent of this new technology, there are concerns about the use of the information collected during registration. There are those who have the biological information on individuals the opportunity to violate the rights of citizens' and we believepersonal privacy of one. However, the information stored on the individual or any visual depiction of real life. The information is stored as code goes, the computer. When viewed by the people, that information would be pointless and meaningless useful.

Depending on the nature of your business and the sensitivity of the information you want, you may decide to use a biometric access control. These systems offer a higher levelSecurity with a reduced risk of common access. As the growing need for more stringent security systems biometric security have become common and sophisticated technology advances.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to read this article.... Thanks for sharing this information.....
Biometric Fingerprint Access control system

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