Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The 'Do-It-Yourself' Home Security System

The 'Do-It-Yourself' Home Security System

Security System

With advancements in technology, home security systems once out of reach of the average home owner, are now appearing in households across the country. The variety of systems available in the market today is astounding. But, just like any other project around the house, the question of whether or not installing a new home security system is cost-effective, always comes up. In order to help make that decision, let's compare some of the option available.

Wireless security systems have grown in popularity over the years, mainly due to how simple and relatively affordable they are to install. Battery-powered wireless sensors allow you to have a complete security system without running wires, which is a great solution for older homes and apartments.

If you decide on a wireless system, it is important to carefully map out your entire property, and consider all possible points of entry. Here you have to get inside the mind of a burglar, think of all the vulnerable spots your home has and how they can be exploited.

Most do-it-yourself home security systems will come packaged with some basic components. Depending on the size and layout of your property, you will likely need to purchase additional items to fit your security needs. This can add to the cost, but without the right setup, you could end up with a useless system. Home security installation is not an area you want to cut corners, if you ever feel overwhelmed, you should call an expert.

The next choices in home security are wired home security systems. These are much less likely to trigger false alarms, if installed correctly. Wired systems are a lot more complicated to install, but if you're good with running wire, this can be a good option. Again, as with wireless systems, it's important to have a strategy in setting up the right system for your home. Think about ways an intruder might try and enter your home, and plan your system accordingly. There's no point in using a sophisticated motion detector if the intruder can see it and bypass it.

If you're not up to the task of installing your own system, many home security and monitoring companies will install your system at no charge, in exchange for the monthly monitoring fee. This is actually a great deal, especially when you consider that expert installation can run into the thousands if you paid out-of-pocket.

Finally, you should consider how you will monitor the system. Current systems will automatically call your cell phone or send video to your computer at work, and criminals have been caught in the act this way. (Whether you happen to be there or have your phone on at the moment the critical call comes is another matter. You should consider your lifestyle if opting for this route.) If you opt for a professional monitoring service, be assured that they will be responsible for contacting the authorities when the time comes.

These are some broad considerations in weighing the benefits of installing a home security system yourself.

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