Sunday, July 17, 2011

◄ 10 ► Dead Space 2: Weapons / Clothing (1080p)

◄ 10 ► Dead Space 2: Weapons / Clothing (1080p) Video Clips. Duration : 6.68 Mins.

SUBSCRIBE 1080p video from the last game of the day of discharge. Frankie Chronicles Chapter 10: Dead Space 2 weapons and clothing for a complete list of chapters is available at: Dead Space 2 All Weapons and Suits (Gameplay / Commentary) A review / overview of all weapons and Dead Space 2 dresses in single player / multiplayer. Clothing List: Engineering Suite, Security Suite, Riot Suit, Vintage Suit, Suit advanced. List of Weapons: Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, Flamethrower, Ripper, Javelin, Force Gun,Beam Contact, Detonator, pulse rifle, I rather 'like the ripper, the best platform = D: System Specifications PC: i7 950, GTX 580, 8GB RAM, solid state drive in-game: Max Settings, 1920x1080 Programs used: Sony Vegas Pro 9.0E, After Effects CS4, 3ds max 2010, Boujou 5.0, Audacity. E-mail:

Tags: yt:quality=high, machinima, gameplay, commentary, montage, review, FRANKIEONPCINHD, Frankie, pc, hd, 1080p, 720p, 1920x1080, makes, waffles, knifers, perks, first-person, 1st, fps, firstpersonshooter, first, person, shooter, snipe, tips, tricks, hints, secrets, guide, easter, eggs, quickscoping, 2010, fraps, playclaw, xfire, gtx, 580, gtx580, sniping, stealth, dead, space, pulse, rifle, detonator, warehouse, ellie, issac, singleplayer, ripsaw, stasis, weapons, weapon, security, suit, Chapter, 10, Suits

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1 comment:

Janelle said...

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